Club members:

  1. Will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange for appropriate veterinary attention if and when required.
  2. Will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural conformation of the animal, or who carries out a cesarean section on a bitch may report such operation to the Kennel Club.
  3. Will agree that no health puppy will be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the Breed Standard should be placed in suitable homes.
  4. Will abide by all aspects of the Animal Welfare Act.
  5. Will not create demand for, nor supply, puppies that have been docked illegally.
  6. Will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or to the breed
  7. Will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or those carrying out official duties.
  8. Will ensure that their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under effective control when away from home.
  9. Will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited.
  10. Will only sell dogs where there is a reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life and will help with the re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change.
  11. Will supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home.
  12. Will ensure that all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owners when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree, in writing, to forward any relevant documents at the earliest opportunity, if not immediately available.
  13. Will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind. Will not sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand alone items (not accompanying a dog).
  14. Will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed nor falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of a dog.

Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from club membership and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.

Further, in accordance with Rule 2 of the Association, which states:

‘The object of the Association shall be to encourage the responsible breeding, exhibition and improvement of the Tibetan Terrier and to do all in its power to protect and advance the interest of the breed’

The Committee recommends the adoption and practice of the following guidelines to the members of the TTA:


a) That the protection and advancement of the interests of the Breed be the primary consideration at all times.
b) Members undertake to provide a high standard of care and health in their T.T.’s.
c) Members are expected to respect and consider the opinions of others, without acrimony, accepting that private disputes, which do not threaten the welfare of dogs, will not be the business of the Association.
d) That free exchange of comment, advice and information is the aim for the future. The more qualified or knowledgeable should freely offer their expertise, without bias.
e) Newcomers should be welcomed, encouraged but guided.


a) Dogs which are clinically affected or genetically affected for PLL,PRA or NCL should not be bred from.
b) All breeding stock should be tested in accordance with the KC Health Schemes for the breed.
c) When carriers of inherited diseases are identified from DNA testing they should only be mated with a genetically clear dog. All the resulting progeny should be tested prior to sale or sold as potential carriers.
d) All information on hereditary defects should be made available for open publication in the T.T.A Registers,T.T.Talk, and should then become the property of the Association’s B.R.H.S.C.
e) Breeding stock should be wormed, and possess a current clear eye certificate and should be X-rayed for HD in accordance with KC/BVA schemes
f) Ideally, bitches should be 18 months or older, when bred from, and not have reached 8 years at the time of whelping.
g) Ideally bitches should not be bred from more than once in a 12-month period.
h) Stud dog owners should satisfy themselves as to compatibility and soundness of any bitch together with discussion about hips, eye and NCL status (with documentation available) before agreeing to a mating.
i) The Association does not support to any degree, the breeding of T.T.’s on a commercial scale.
j) Members will, when breeding dogs, adopt as a minimum standard the principles, requirements and recommendations as embodied in the Kennel Club’s Assured Breeder Scheme. It is also recommended that members who breed should apply to join the Scheme.


a) Owners of stock for sale should comply with the Trades Description Act and be cautious in their claims of potential. Information should be factually correct, not ambiguous, and above all totally honest. By stressing the individuality of a kennel, rather than its superiority, breeders would enhance their image, rather than enter into conflict with fellow breeders.
b) The Association does not support sales of whole or part litters to anyone for the purposes of resale. Breeders should display extreme caution in exportation of dogs to countries where no reciprocal agreements take place with the K.C.
c) No T.T. should be sold unless it is in good health. Any defect, hereditary or otherwise, should be written into the Bill of Sale, and explained to the purchaser. Any endorsements on Registration documents should be written into the Bill of Sale.
d) Puppies should not go to their new homes before 8 weeks of age.
e) Where puppies are sold, it should be stressed that they do not “need for their own sake” to be involved inbreeding programmes.
f) A typed, or printed (block capitals) pedigree, preferably with a worming certificate, diet and advice sheet,should be provided with every puppy, together with a T.T.A. Handbook and K.C. Registration Certificate if available. The recipient’s name should be stated, all documentation should be completed and should meet K.C. requirements.


a) Courtesy and consideration to others is the Association’s aim. Members are expected to ensure that all dogs,and their handlers, are offered an equal opportunity in competition.
b) Discretion should be exercised in exhibiting Champions and major winners at Open Shows.
c) This Association does not support the showing of a dog for multiple C.C.’s under the same judge. Crufts and T.T.A. Ch. Shows excepted.
d) It should be considered that any bitch in full season, or late in whelp, should be withdrawn from exhibition.
e) Members should adhere to K.C. Regulations concerning the exhibition of dogs.


a) Judges should offer normal courtesies and formalities of their position, to each exhibitor, at all times.
b) Judges should be able to expect courteous behaviour at all times from all exhibitors. This Association will not condone bad behaviour, in the ring, nor indeed outside the ring.
c) Judges should be impartial and competent in their assessment.
d) Judges should fulfill their obligation to write a critique, in good time for publication in the dog press.
e) Judges at Championship show level should meet the criteria of both the T.T.A and the K.C.


a) They should fulfil their obligations to the Association and its members.
b) They should remain impartial in performing duties expected of them.
c) They should respect the confidentiality and trust reposed in them by members
d) They should make a clear distinction between what is their personal opinion and what is a policy statement of the Association

TTA 27/01/15